07 Jan 2016

Stay on track in 2016 with Littlelogs

The start of a new year is a good time to evaluate what you’ve been doing and make grand plans for the future. Littlelogs is a fun way to log your progress and keep yourself on track with new goals.


We built Littlelogs as a side project when I realised Twitter didn’t feel like the right place to keep a public log of the work I was doing. Twitter is more about breaking news and silly conversations than public records of progress, so we made Littlelogs to fill the gap.

You can write in Markdown on Littlelogs, and it handles medium-length content: longer than a tweet, but not as long as a blog post. It’s long enough to be a meaty update, but short enough to be less pressure than writing a blog post or essay.

Markdown logs

Littlelogs is open to anyone doing creative work. Our members include developers, writers, marketers, designers, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.

If you’ve set lofty goals for yourself in 2016, here are some ways Littlelogs can help:

  • Give your new side project or business a tag of its own and use Littlelogs to track its growth over time.
  • Tag the new skills you’re building and use our graphs to see when you focus more on one or the other.
  • Log the progress you’re making at work, and find some accountability to always be improving.
  • Log about a new project you’re working on, and find accountability and support to help you launch.
  • Meet other people working on cool projects and interesting technologies. Have conversations and debates about the work you’re doing. Find friends to commiserate with when you’re struggling.
  • Keep a record of what you work on this year, so you can look back over your ups and downs at the end of 2016.


If you’d like some public accountability and a supportive community to keep you on track this year, give it a go.

We also have an API and RSS feeds for every user and tag!